Allergies and Snoring

Allergies and Snoring – What You Need to Know!

Were you recently told about your annoying snores but have no idea what has caused them? Or are you a known snorer with a partner who complains about how your snoring seems to have gotten worse lately? If you developed some seasonal allergies all of a sudden, or the air is filled with cottonwood as if it is snowing, you can in some cases blame your allergies for your louder snores.

Can an Allergy Cause Snoring?

It is not always among the most obvious causes that people think of every time they happen to snore. But if it seems like breathing through the nose is not as smooth as it was before, or if you feel like something obstructs your nasal passages, an allergy could very well be the culprit behind your snores.

There are two ways on how this snoring manifests itself:

  • Your nose gets blocked to the point that you can only breathe through the mouth, which causes the noisy collision of incoming air with the soft palate.
  • Nasal breathing becomes louder, with the sounds resembling a whistling or rumbling noise.


Understanding Allergic Rhinitis

When it comes to allergies and snoring, allergic rhinitis is often pointed to as the common cause. This is the inflammation of the inner part of the nose which is brought about by an allergen like dust, mold, pollen, or flakes of skin of certain animals.

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, takes place when the immune system overreacts to certain airborne particles. The immune system basically attacks the allergens as a way of protecting you. Depending on the allergen that affects you, you might experience your allergies for just a short period of time or throughout the year.

You probably think that you never had any allergies before so it might not be the cause of your snores. But, you might be surprised to know that a person can develop allergies practically at any point in life, even when you have already reached 90 years old.

Aside from the common symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, headache, fatigue, irritability, nasal congestion, and scratchy throat, allergies could also make you more prone to ear infections and sinusitis.

How Does an Allergy Cause Snoring?

Snoring is the typical side effect of hay fever. If you are bothered by your allergies, the delicate membrane lining in the nose and throat gets inflamed and irritated. It decreases the airway size which then makes it make it more difficult to breathe. Swelling can then cause the soft tissues to get closer together so once air tries to pass through it, it leads to the vibration of the tissues, thus causing the snoring sound.

Aside from that, when you have a stuffy nose, your only option is to breathe through the mouth. The throat’s membrane lining is also irritated. The swelling can cause the vibration in your uvula, esophagus tissues, and soft palate when you breathe.

Dust and Snoring

Dust can accumulate in your home as the result of flaking skin, and this then encourages dust mites. When these allergens affect you, you might find it hard to breathe through your nose, and this can cause snoring as a result. Once you find that you are snoring less whenever you sleep away from your own bedroom, then it’s an indication that you are suffering from a dust allergy.

Do You Have Dust Allergy? Some Things You Should Do!

If you think that snoring is the result of dust allergy, cleaning is the best solution. Clear out your bedroom’s contents and move aside the furniture of your bedroom to find the dust that gathered around and consider vacuuming until clear. There might be dust mites living in your own bedding, for instance, in your duvet and pillows. There are hypo-allergenic anti snore pillows available which you may find useful Here is one such Allergy Friendly Anti-Snore Pillow. All Bedding must be cleaned in accordance to the washing instructions. It is recommended that you should vacuum your mattress on both sides and fit the mattress protector. If your room is neat, you might be surprised by the difference it makes because it is more likely that your snoring would be alleviated that would improve your sleep quality vastly.

What Are the Other Allergies That Cause Snoring?

Allergies to pet hair are the common cause of snoring and these might become worse once your pet was inside your bedroom or always sits on your bed. The substances including cosmetics, perfumes, insect sprays, air fresheners, and fabric softeners may also cause some allergy type symptoms to develop. Some of your might think you’re suffering from the feather allergy, yet in fact, it’s extremely rare. The so-called feather allergy is often compared to allergic reactions to dust mite allergen that’s hidden in unwashed duvet or pillow, regardless of the filling.

Will Medicine Help?

More often than not, your natural instinct will likely reach for an antihistamine or decongestant. Such products may be extremely beneficial at relieving some allergy symptoms, yet they could worsen snoring. Since these work through relaxing the muscles, there’s an increased risk of your soft palate and tongue falling back farther and making an obstruction, which causes snoring.

Once you deal with your allergies, snoring will not bother you. Other than that, when you deal with these for long-term, you might want to wear your own Snoring Mouthpiece. This would keep the airway open, so you could enjoy quality sleep while enabling you to wake up feeling well-rested.

If you consider taking some medicines, you might want to consult your doctor first. The reason behind it is that not all medicines are made for all. There are some medicines that might trigger allergies or could worsen your condition. If you don’t want to experience any problems when taking medicines to stop snoring, call your doctor first and follow the prescription of your physician. Through this, you can guarantee that you won’t experience any inconvenience or some problems that could affect your overall health condition. But, will medicine help? It actually depends on the severity of your allergies and how it causes you to snore.

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