What Type of Snorer Are You?
Snoring is a type of condition brought about by the obstructed movement of air during breathing. Did you know that almost 90 million Americans have a snoring problem? But, what is more shocking is that snoring is considered to be a sign of underlying serious issues like high blood pressure disorders, sleep apnea, respiratory disorders, and has been linked to heart conditions in many cases. However, a lot of people affected by snoring often take this rather lightly.
Indeed, there are countless numbers of people who suffer from snoring yet only a few of them take the time to actually research the true cause behind their condition. If you are a snorer yourself, or you are tormented by the effects of your bed partner snoring, the information cited in this post may guide you a little better in determining the exact type of snorer you are dealing with together with the necessary treatments which may help alleviate it.
Common Types of Snoring: What Type of Snorer Are You?
Snoring is basically broken down into three main categories, namely nasal snoring, tongue snoring, and mouth snoring. We will give you a brief rundown of these three types of snoring and then discuss a little about obstructive sleep apnea and finally suggest some treatments and solutions for snoring and sleep apnea that are worth considering.
Nasal Snoring
Nasal snoring takes place every time the nasal passages get blocked, including in people who suffer from ailments such as allergies, flu, and colds. These nasal passageway blockages force an increased amount of air to pass through the mouth. This can create a vibration which will then translate into the snoring sound you hear.
Since this form of snoring is mainly due to the blocked nasal passages first and foremost, which often occurs as the result of nasal allergies. The main culprit could be a tiny allergen which lurks in and around your household. These can include outdoor pollen that has gotten inside through open windows, pet dander, dust, as well as dust mites hiding in your bedding and perhaps old clothes in the wardrobe.
Another possible cause of nasal snoring is a defect in the nasal passage like the condition called deviated septum. Deviated Septum is a type of condition wherein the thin wall separating your left and right nasal passages bulges to the other side. This then results in a restricted flow of air to the nasal passage affected by the condition. This can show little to no obvious symptoms, with most people not really realizing that they are already suffering from this condition until they are actually snoring. Deviated septum can often be a congenital defect or this can also be the result of an injury.
Tongue Snoring
Your tongue can play a big part in your snoring in many cases. This is because the tongue itself, by its very nature can restrict or block the flow of air going to your lungs. The throat and mouth tissues naturally relax every time you sleep. Your tongue can then relax to the point that it can deviate from its normal position and end up slightly farther back into your throat. Even this slight deviation can lead to enough resistance and cause snoring as a result.
This kind of snoring is very common in many people, and it is usually exacerbated with the use of antihistamines, sleep aids before bed, or alcohol since this can further relax the palate’s soft tissues.
Mouth Snoring
Mouth snoring can result from the vibrating of the palate’s soft tissues rubbing against one another. This is common to people who are breathing through their mouths while they sleep. It may happen when someone who usually breathes through their mouth, then sleeps on their side or their back.
OSA or Sleep Apnea
Another possible cause of snoring is a health condition called Sleep Apnea. It’s quite common and typically this type of chronic condition is characterized by long pauses between breaths during sleep. More often than not, the pauses are actually followed through with gasping or loud snorts that may or may not wake the person affected.
As with the case of a deviated septum, patients who are suffering from sleep apnea are in many cases not really aware that they suffer from this kind of condition. Moreover, in most cases, it is your sleeping partner who notices the patterns that are associated with this sleeping condition.
OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea is sleep apnea’s most prevalent type, which is due to blockages in different places throughout the airways. When air is forced through such blockages, loud snores are the result. OSA may be the result of a combination of factors like obesity, natural mouth and throat structure and the shape of your body, or even because of enlarged tonsils or tongue.
Aside from snoring, OSA symptoms may include restless sleep, dry mouth, headaches, and fatigue. Diagnosing sleep apnea typically involves a test like a sleep study, which is essentially a sleep test that’s monitored in a lab environment while you are sleeping. For those who don’t really understand what OSA is all about, it is important to know that it can be a potentially serious problem. So if you suspect that you are suffering from this condition, you must discuss the issue with a trusted sleep specialist, or suitably qualified expert.
Snoring and How to Treat It
Snoring may differ widely in accordance to the root cause. It could involve your own little bit of detective work, laboratory testing, and consulting with your doctor, or perhaps your bed partner has told you about your snoring problem. In any case if the main cause of snoring is uncovered, the recommendations and treatments might include weight loss, lifestyle changes, the use of antihistamines, or the use of an anti-snoring device. If snoring is due to OSA, your doctor might recommend the use of CPAP machine that supplies the body with a continuous oxygen supply, which helps keep the airways open.
Some less invasive therapies may include the use of an anti-snore mouthpiece designed to position your tongue and mouth in a way that alleviates the snoring altogether. In addition to that, anti-snore pillows can help reduce the likelihood of snoring through encouraging you to sleep in much more favorable sleep positions. In several instances, a smart pillow may also detect your breathing patterns during your sleep and detect the occurrence of snoring for you. If you think that allergies might be the cause of your snoring, then cleaning or replacing your bedding or indeed your bed could be a great place to start because allergens including pet dander, dust mites or dust tend to collect in such areas.
If another person’s snoring is causing you to suffer, remember that your observations may play an important part in their treatment and diagnosis. So, regardless of what type of snorer are you, there is always a solution for your snoring concerns.
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